Anyone who still sees China as the »factory of the world« has not been there lately. We, 50 consultants of the ICG Group, were there and looked more closely at the country. The words »agile«, »innovative« and »entrepreneurial« probably best summarize what we’ve come across in more than 35 meetings in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen.
»While Western companies are making one innovation cycle, Chinese companies are making ten«, told us global strategy consultant Edward Tse.
During visits at accelerators and innovation hubs, start-ups as well as established companies and state institutions, we were able to convince ourselves of the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit: This spirit is currently in the process of transforming the state-controlled planned economy into global innovation leadership. Tencent, Alibaba and Haier are already among the largest companies in the world today. And in virtually every industry, young companies are following their example and questioning common business models.
»What does this have to do with us?« you may ask yourself.
In our opinion quite a lot. That’s why we wrote down our experiences and insights right away. Please let us inform, inspire, maybe even provoke you – and if China also does not leave you cold: We are looking forward to the exchange during our next personal conversation.
Zhongxin de zhùfú (kind regards)
Michael Faschingbauer